David Harland
Professional Massage Therapy

David Harland, C.M.T.


My name is David Harland, I've been practicing massage for most of my life.

My California Massage Therapist Certification number is - 75428 - this can be verified at the California Massage Therapy Council website at: CAMTC.org - then go to the "Verify Certification" page, to validate the number.

Massage is very overlooked in our society, but the various modalities of massage have more benefits on the body and mind than most of us imagine or realize. I am truly grateful to be able to "work" in this amazing field.

Many cultures on the world look at massage as complementary, necessary, and healing, which is how I see it.

I decided to practice massage full time after learning how effective it is at absolving stress (physical AND mental/emotional), and literally healing the body and mind.

I am deeply aware of the stress and tension that is stored in the body in all of its forms. I'm fortunate to spend my time and my career being a facilitator of my clients' physical healing and mental relaxation.